Building an HTML Templating Engine#

HTML templating is an important part of web development and Python has a long, long history here. Template languages are like a domain-specific language (DSL), which tag strings were built for. Tag strings provide an opportunity: a syntax specifically designed to ease HTML templating.

In the tutorial to follow, you’ll learn how to create an html tag which can do just this. Specifically, the tutorial will bring your markup and logic closer together by taking inspiration from JSX, a syntax extension to JavaScript commonly used in ReactJS projects.

Here are some examples of the kinds of things you could ultimately do.

# Attribute expansion
attributes = {"color": "blue", "style": {"font-weight": "bold"}}
assert (
           str(html(t"<h1 {attributes}>Hello, world!</h1>"))
       == '<h1 color="blue" style="font-weight:bold">Hello, world!<h1>'

# Recursive construction
assert (
           str(html(t"<body>{[html" < h{i} / > " for i in range(1, 4)]}</body>"))
       == "<body><h1></h1><h2></h2><h3></h3></body>"

This might be difficult to achieve with a standard templating solution. More interesting though: this html tag will output a structured representation of the HTML that can be freely manipulated - a Document Object Model (DOM) of sorts for HTML.

node: HTML = html(t"<h1/>")
node.attributes["color"] = "blue"
node.children.append("Hello, world!")
assert str(node) == '<h1 color="blue">Hello, world!</h1>'

But first, let’s see why tag strings might be a better fit over existing, mature choices such as Jinja2.

Why not Jinja2?#

Python template languages such as Jinja2 take contextual data and generate larger bodies of text, such as HTML. For example, if you wanted to create a simple todo list using Jinja it might look something like this.

from jinja2 import Template

t = Template("""
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<ol>{% for item in list_items %}
    <li>{{ item }}</li>{% endfor %}

doc = t.render(title="My Todo List", list_items=["Eat", "Code", "Sleep"])


Which will render as:

<h1>My Todo List</h1>

This is simple enough, but Jinja templates can grow rapidly in complexity. For example, if you want to dynamically set attributes on the <li> elements the Jinja template it’s less straightforward.

from jinja2 import Template

t = Template(
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<ol>{% for item in list_items %}
    <li {% for key, value in item["attributes"].items() %}{{ key }}={{ value }} {% endfor %}>
        {{ item["value"] }}
    </li>{% endfor %}

doc = t.render(
    title="My Todo List",
            "attributes": {"value": "'3'"},
            "value": "Eat",
            "attributes": {"style": "'font-weight: bold'"},
            "value": "Eat",
            "attributes": {"type": "'a'", "style": "'font-weight: bold'"},
            "value": "Eat",


The result:

<h1>My Todo List</h1>
  <li value="3">Eat</li>
  <li style="font-weight: bold">Eat</li>
  <li type="a" style="font-weight: bold">Eat</li>

One problem: Jinja is a generic templating tool, so the specific needs that come with rendering HTML, like expanding dynamic attributes, aren’t supported out of the box. More broadly, Jinja templates make it difficult to coordinate business and UI logic since markup in the template is kept separate from your logic in Python.

This is a key point, one that makes it hard to provide good tooling. Jinja2 has different scope rules, calling semantics, and composition approaches than Python. This means tools like Black, Ruff, and mypy can’t really peak inside that part of your project.

Review: tag string protocols#

With tag strings, we write a function that receives an args sequence of Decoded and Interpolation values. These are Python “protocols”. Decoded is a string with an extra raw value.

class Decoded(Protocol):
    def __str__(self) -> str:

    raw: str

The Interpolation object captures a dynamic part (between braces) in a tag string.

    def __len__(self):

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):

    def getvalue(self) -> Callable[[], Any]:

    expr: str
    conv: Literal['a', 'r', 's'] | None
    format_spec: str | None

AST and HTML trees#

We’re going to use an HTML “template” to render some data. Our strategy could be to do all the processing in one step. But most templating systems split into several steps, for reasons such as performance.

This tutorial will show a parsing step and a rendering step. The parsing step will create an abstract syntax tree or AST. The AST will be a nested collection of Python data, representing the tree of HTML. It will also, though, capture the “placeholders” where something dynamic needs to be inserted.

For this, we’ll have an AstParser which generates AstNode objects. Here’s what the AstNode will look like:

# Use as an AST for HTML, with placeholders

class AstNode:
    tag: str = None
    attrs: list[tuple[str, str | None]] = field(default_factory=list)
    children: list[str | AstNode] = field(default_factory=list)

In a second step, we’ll use the AstNode tree to create a tree of HtmlNode objects, with the rendered data.

Parsing HTML#

Before we introduce templating, let’s cover the basics of HTML parsing. In the next few steps, we’ll keep it very simple: for example, no support for attributes.

Given that you’re going to be parsing HTML, it will be useful to lean on Python’s built-in html.parser.HTMLParser which can be subclassed to customize its behavior:


An html.parser.HTMLParser instance is fed HTML data and calls handler methods when start tags, end tags, text, comments, and other markup elements are encountered. The user should subclass html.parser.HTMLParser and override its methods to implement the desired behavior.

Specifically, we’ll fill in these HTMLParser methods:

Let’s start with a class that inherits from the HTMLParser.

class AstParser(HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = AstNode()
        self.stack: list[AstNode] = [self.root]

    def parent(self) -> AstNode:
        """Easy access to the previous node in the stack."""
        return self.stack[-1]

Our initializer function makes a root node and sets it as the only element in the “stack”. The root node is an instance of the AstNode object described above.

class AstNode:
    """Parsed representation of an HTML tag string."""

    tag: str | None = None
    # Not yet implementing attributes, default to empty list
    attrs: list[tuple[str, str | None]] = field(default_factory=list)
    children: list[str | AstNode] = field(default_factory=list)

Again: for now, we’re not interested for now with attributes.

What’s the purpose of self.stack? As we go down through nested nodes, we need to keep track of the parent element that is currently being constructed at any point. This lets you append newly created child elements and body text to the appropriate parent element. We use a data structure called a stack to do just this.

The parent property is just a convenience, making it easier to grab the most-recent node on the stack.

The AstParser needs a method to handle the starting of a tag.

    def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: Attrs) -> None:
        this_node = AstNode(tag=tag, attrs=attrs)
        last_node = self.parent

With this, the starting of a tag – such as <div> – makes a new AstNode and adds it to the parent node’s children. The method also “pushes” this new node onto the stack, making it the “parent”.

The handle_data method takes care of the non-node children. Primarily, this is the plain text.

    def handle_data(self, data: str) -> None:
        children = self.parent.children

The handle_endtag is run when a tag closes, for example, </div>:

    def handle_endtag(self, tag: str) -> None:
        node = self.stack.pop()
        # if node.tag != tag:
        #     raise SyntaxError("Start tag {node.tag!r} does not match end tag {tag!r}")

This example doesn’t do much – it just “pops” the current tag from the stack and ensures the starting and ending tag names match.

To simplify the process of closing the HTMLParser and extracting the AstNode tree, we add a result() method.

    def result(self) -> AstNode:
        """Convenience method to close the feed and return root."""
        match self.root.children:
            case []:
                raise ValueError("Nothing to return")
            case [child]:
                return child
            case _:
                return self.root

Let’s see this in action. First we construct a root AstNode.

    parser = AstParser()
    parser.feed("<div>Hello World</div>")
    root_node = parser.result()

Now poke around and see if it has what we expect.

    assert "div" == root_node.tag
    assert "Hello World" == root_node.children[0]

That’s it for a very simple HTML parser. It can handle a tree of nodes, but can’t handle attributes. It certainly can’t handle templating. Let’s tackle that next.

Handling interpolations#

We now have an “AST” representation of the HTML. But not the interpolations. In fact, we haven’t implemented the html.parser.HTMLParser.feed() method. This means we’re using the standard feed method. It only takes strings, and our tag function’s args is a sequence of string-like values and interpolations


Tag functions can take a string-like thing and an interpolation. The PEP defines protocols for these: Decoded and Interpolation. The tutorial will use these protocol names, rather than implementation names.

Our interpolations are position-based, so we need to keep an index as we are fed the args.

class AstParser(BaseParser):
    def __init__(self):
        self.index = 0


Remember, each arg will never have more than one “position” to substitute. Tag string evaluation digests the tag string value into chunks.

We now override the base class’s feed method.

    def feed(self, arg: str | Interpolation) -> None:
        # We don't need Decoded as this method never uses raw
        match arg:
            case str() as s:
                # Leaving out the escaping of possible $$ in data
            case Interpolation():
            case _:
                raise ValueError("Arg not shaped like a string nor Interpolation")
        self.index += 1
  • Our feed method takes strings and Interpolation

  • The pattern matching expects something shaped like a string or an Interpolation, and fails if it gets something else

  • Strings just get fed to the parser for now (later, some processing)

  • Interpolations get fed a placeholder that encodes the index

This placeholder strategy is the key to the templating. We are encoding a tiny bit of structure, into a string. Namely, the position in the args that should later get substituted.


Why x$Nxas placeholder? HTMLParserincludes a regex pattern for element tags that expects them to begin with a letter. To allow element tags themselves to be interpolated (e.g. div), the first character of the placeholder must meet this requirement. In our case, we just happen to have chosen x.

Also, after “escaping” user provided strings by replacing all $ characters with $$, there is no way for a user to feed a string that would result in x$Nx. Thus, we can reliably identify any x$Nx passed to the parser to be placeholders.

Let’s see the updated AstParser in action.

    name = "World"
    parser = AstParser()
    parser.feed("<div>Hello ")
    interpolation = InterpolationConcrete(lambda: name, "name", None, None)
    # Manually typing the result since IDE can't process tag functions yet
    root_node: AstNode = parser.result()

As you can see, it can encode interpolation points.

    assert "div" == root_node.tag
    assert ["Hello ", "x$1x"] == root_node.children

That’s it for the parser update. It re-uses the methods we already implemented for start/end tag and data. Let’s hook AstParser up to a tag function.

Tag function#

So far we’ve made example AstNode roots by talking to the parser. To simplify our work, and to build towards tag strings, let’s make a tag function that returns an AstNode.

def html(*args: str | Interpolation) -> AstNode:
    parser = AstParser()
    for arg in args:
    return parser.result()

This is a simple tag function. It makes an AstParser and pumps args into its feed. When done, it returns the parser’s result.

Now our demos can use tag strings.

    name = "World"
    # Manually typing the result since IDE can't process tag functions yet
    root_node: AstNode = html(t"<div>Hello {name}</div>")

This tag string results in the same AstNode.

    assert "div" == root_node.tag
    assert ["Hello ", 'x$1x'] == root_node.children

We’re now ready to start interpolating.

Starting a fill strategy#

DSLs are going to have rich ideas about filling data into templates. It’s nice to isolate this “filling” part: for testing, for swapping policies, etc.

In this step we introduce a fill strategy. It doesn’t actually do any dynamic filling. Instead, we just outline how it works.

We’ll go in the order of processing. Our html tag function is now going to return something that looks like HTML. As such, we have an HTML protocol, so we can be independent with the implementation. Here’s the implementation we are using: an HtmlNode.

class HtmlNode:
    """Implementation of a node or tree of an HTML DOM."""
    tag: str
    # Not yet implementing attributes, default to empty list
    attrs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
    children: list[str | HtmlNode] = field(default_factory=list)

Our tag function now returns HTML instead of AstNode. It does this by using a Fill strategy that interpolates into the parser results. Meaning, it fills the AST.

def html(*args: str | Interpolation) -> HTML:
    parser = AstParser()
    for arg in args:
    return Fill(args).interpolate(parser.result())

Next we have the Fill dataclass. It stores the args it was given. This dataclass the heart of the filling-in step.

class Fill:
    """A policy that can fill in nodes in an AST, using interpolations."""
    args: Sequence[str | Interpolation]

The action starts in the interpolate method. This is the method called by tag function, passing in the AST.

    def interpolate(self, tag: AstNode) -> HTML:
        """The entry point for processing interpolations."""
        children = []
        for child in tag.children:
            match child:
                case AstNode() as node:
                case str() as s:

        # For now, skip handling of attributes
        return self.fill_tag(tag=tag.tag, children=children)

This pattern matching block is the dispatcher approach we’ve been seeing. It handles AstNode objects from the parser, going through children.

If the child is another node, the method recurses, calling self.interpolate again and appending the result. If the parser stored a string, interpolate calls the filling strategy and returns the result.

The filling strategy in this section is just a stand-in. We’ll do actual interpolation in the next step.

    def fill(self, s: str, convert: Callable | None = None) -> Generator[dict | str | HTML]:
        """Split into any placeholders then fill them from interpolations."""
        # For now, simulate splitting and filling
        yield "I WAS FILLED" if "$" in s else s

Our self.interpolate method closed with a call to self.fill_tag, passing in the AstNode’s tag and the interpolated children. Here’s a simple version self.fill_tag.

    def fill_tag(self, tag: str, attrs: Attrs | None = None, children: list[str | HTML] | None = None) -> HTML:
        """Make an HTML-like-node with any policies."""
        # Reminder, not processing attributes yet.
        return HtmlNode(tag=tag, children=children)

While we’re not filling in the HTML with values from the tag string, we are filling them in with fake results. Let’s see it in use:

    name = "World"
    # Manually typing the result since IDE can't process tag functions yet
    root_node: HtmlNode = html(t"<div>Hello {name}</div>")

As you can see – I WAS FILLED.

    assert "div" == root_node.tag
    assert ["Hello ", "I WAS FILLED"] == root_node.children

With this introduction to fill strategies in place, let’s actually fill in the placeholders with real values.

Fill in values#

It turns out that filling in values is a pretty interesting step in the process. Our previous fill method was boring: it ignored what it was passed and just returned I WAS FILLED if the string had a placeholder in it.

In this step we will process the placeholder and get the correct value. Along the way, we’ll leave behind a spot to do any handling of the value. Here’s the new fill method.

    def fill(self, s: str, convert: Callable = str) -> Generator[dict | str | HTML]:
        """Split into any placeholders then fill them from interpolations."""
        for i, split in enumerate(self.split_by_placeholder(s)):
            match split:
                case Interpolation() as interpolation:
                    # Not yet running a convert function to escape string values.
                    # yield interpolation.getvalue()
                    yield interpolation[0]()
                case str() as s:
                    yield s

It’s terse but action-packed. First, it calls another method to pick apart the structure in the string, in case it is a placeholder. It does this by calling a helper method self.split_by_placeholder.

    def split_by_placeholder(self, s: str) -> Generator[str | Interpolation]:
        """Split any strings with placeholders, then lookup the interpolation by position."""
        for split in placeholder_re.split(s):
            if split != '':
                if m := placeholder_index_re.match(split):
                    # We have a string with a placeholder. Get the index position
                    # from the placeholder, then grap the interpolation at
                    # that position in the args.
                    yield self.args[int('index'))]
                    # Not yet doing any unescaping of the placeholder
                    yield split

This helper is looking to see if a string looks like it has a placeholder. If so, it gets the index from the x$ix structure in the string. It then yields the arg at that position.

The helper has returned either a string or an…Interpolation! We are now back to the point where we can call the lambda to evaluate the expression.

The pattern matching in the fill method handles either the interpolation (by getting the value) or just return ing a string. We’ll do more here in the next steps.

Let’s see our first look at dynamic HTML rendering.

    name = "World"
    # Manually typing the result since IDE can't process tag functions yet
    root_node: HtmlNode = html(t"<div>Hello {name}</div>")

We have indeed filled in some values.

    assert "div" == root_node.tag
    assert ["Hello ", "World"] == root_node.children

It’s now time to handle attributes, albeit a simple case.

Simple attributes#

So far we left out attribute handling, to let us get an end-to-end view of the simplest case. Attributes are actually a topic with lots of interesting possibilities. Which we’ll ignore for now, and just handle the simplest usage.

Nothing changes in most of our code. The AST parser and tag function remain the same. Our Fill policy, though, will be taught how to handle attributes.

We said the interpolate() method was the tag function’s entry point to filling. We’ll start there.

    def interpolate(self, tag: AstNode) -> HTML:
        children = []
        for child in tag.children:
            match child:
                case AstNode() as node:
                case str() as s:

        attrs = {}
        for k, v in tag.attrs:
            attrs |= self.fill_attr(k, v)

        return self.fill_tag(tag.tag, attrs, children)

The tag function passed this method an AST node to get interpolated. That node might have attributes and those attributes might be dynamic – meaning, need interpolation.

We pass each attribute to a new self.fill_attr method, then pass the newly-filled attributes to self.fill_tag.

Filling placeholders in an attribute is – for now – simple.

    def fill_attr(self, k: str, v: str | None) -> dict:
        """Process attribute keys and values for any interpolations."""

        # Not handling extra stuff like looking for boolean-style attributes, nor
        # handling actual dicts, nor un-escaping.

        interpolated_key = list(self.fill(k))[0]
        interpolated_value = list(self.fill(v))[0]
        return {interpolated_key: interpolated_value}

Also as part of this step, we close the loop on two places we skipped. Our fill method now calls a passed-in conversion function. If none is provided, it defaults to str(). Let’s use that conversion function.

    def fill(self, s: str, convert: Callable = str) -> Generator[dict | str | HTML]:
        """Split into any placeholders then fill them from interpolations."""
        for i, split in enumerate(self.split_by_placeholder(s)):
            match split:
                # The 3.14 branch doesn't yet have Interpolation
                case Interpolation() as interpolation:
                    # value = interpolation.getvalue()
                    value = interpolation[0]()
                    yield value if convert is None else convert(value)
                case str() as s:
                    yield s

Next, we clean up fill_tag to support interpolation in the tag name itself.

    def fill_tag(self, tag: str, attrs: Attrs | None = None, children: list[str | HTML] | None = None) -> HTML:
        """Support interpolation in the tag name for dynamic heading levels and subcomponents."""
        elems = list(self.fill(tag))
        tag = ''.join(elems)
        return HtmlNode(tag, attrs, children)

With this in place, we make an example that uses both attributes and a dynamic heading level in a tag.

    name = "World"
    level = 1
    title = "The Greeting"
    # Manually typing the result since IDE can't process tag functions yet
    root_node: HtmlNode = html(t'<h{level} title={title}>Hello {name}</h{level}>')

We now have attriburtes and our heading level matches the integer 1 from the variable.

    assert "h1" == root_node.tag
    assert dict(title="The Greeting") == root_node.attrs
    assert ["Hello ", "World"] == root_node.children

We’ve now implemented quite a bit of templating. Except: making a string. Let’s see that next.

DOM to string#

We have an HTML “DOM” as nested Python data. We need a way to “stringify” it, possibly with some policies along the way.

We’ll add a __str__ method to our HtmlNode dataclass.

class HtmlNode(BaseHtmlNode):
    def __str__(self):
        attrs = []
        for k, v in self.attrs.items():
            match k, v:
                case str(), bool():
                case str(), int():
                case str(), str():
                    attrs.append(f'{k}="{escape(v, quote=True)}"')
                case 'style', dict() as css:
                    decl = []
                    for property, value in css.items():
                        decl.append(f'{property}: {value}')
                    attrs.append(f'{k}="{escape(('; ').join(decl))}"')

        children = []
        for child in self.children:
            match child:
                case str():
                case HTML():

        spaced = [f'<{self.tag}']
        if attrs:
            spaced.append(' ')
            spaced.append(' '.join(attrs))

        if children:

        return ''.join(spaced)

Quite a bit going on, as HTML has a number of interesting places to customize. With this in place, we can stringify our HtmlNode.

    result = str(root_node)
    expected = '<div title="The Greeting">Hello World</div>'
    assert expected == result


We’ve just seen the basics for writing an HTML templating engine based on tag strings. There’s a lot more to show – escaping inputs, using the conversion and format_spec flags, subcomponents – but those are topics for other tutorials.